Immigration Meme Never Sees Kid Again


Family Separation at the U.S.-United mexican states Edge refers to the controversial practice of detaining families of undocumented migrants at the Usa and United mexican states edge and, in the process, placing parents and their children in disparate locations. While neither a law nor a specific policy, the exercise that has been met with wide-spread condemnation, likewise as a number of controversial explanations from the Trump assistants.


On November 25th, 2017, the Houston Chronicle[1] reported that the Trump administration was catastrophe the "catch and release immigration" policy, which allowed parents and children who attempted to cross the border betwixt United mexican states and the United States illegally to remain intact until their instance appeared in immigration court. By ending such a policy, Attorney General Jeff Session indicated that the White House would be putting in place a cipher-tolerance rule that would prosecute adults at the border and, in effect, would separate parents from children, placing both in different detention centers while they awaited trial.[ii] The Houston Relate wrote:

"The Houston Chronicle has identified 22 cases since June [2017] in which parents like Mejia with no history of immigration violations were prosecuted for the misdemeanor crime of improper entry and had their children removed. Minors cannot exist kept in federal prison.

On May 7th, 2018 Attorney General Jeff Sessions appear that null tolerance enforcement had gone into issue, stating that there would be 100 pct prosecution of people entering the Us illegally.[6] He said, "If you lot are smuggling a child and then we volition prosecute you, and that kid will be separated from you as required by constabulary. If you don't similar that, then don't smuggle children over our edge."

As of June 2018, the Associated Printing[iii] reported that nearly one,800 families had been separated between October 2016 to February 2018. Inside three months, that number reached more than ii,400 families.

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Official Response

On June 5th, 2018, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that the policy was enacted by democratic lawmakers but did not provide proof. He tweeted, [4] "Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed past the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can't get their act together! Started the Wall." Within ii weeks, the post received more than eighteen,000 retweets and 82,000 likes.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can't get their act together! Started the Wall Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone text font line

During an interview with the New York Times,[five] Stephen Miller, the President's senior policy adviser, said the practice was a "simple decision" and was being used as a deterrent. He said, "No nation can accept the policy that whole classes of people are immune from clearing law or enforcement. Information technology was a uncomplicated determination by the assistants to accept a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry, flow. The bulletin is that no i is exempt from immigration law."

On June 14th, Sessions cited the bible as reason for the policy, claiming that it was "very biblical" to enforce the law.[7] He said, "Persons who violate the law of our nation are subject to prosecution […] I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes. Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves … and protect the weak and it protects the lawful."

On June 17th, 2018, Homeland Security Secretarial assistant Kirstjen Nielsen denied that in that location was a policy for separating parents from children. She tweeted,[8] "This misreporting past Members, press & advocacy groups must end. It is irresponsible and unproductive. As I accept said many times earlier, if you are seeking asylum for your family unit, there is no reason to break the police and illegally cross between ports of entry […] Nosotros do not have a policy of separating families at the edge. Period." The mail service (shown below) was met with extensive criticism, received more than 2,800 retweets, v,400 likes and 43,000 comments.

Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen@SecNielsen 18h This misreporting by Members, press & advocacy groups must stop. It is irresponsible and unproductive. As I have said many times before, if you are seeking asylum for your family, there is no reason to break the law and illegally cross between ports of entry Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen @SecNielsen We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period. text font line

On June 18th, Laura Ingraham discussed the controversy on Play a trick on News. During her monologue, she described the detention centers as "essentially summer camps" or "boarding schools." Additionally, she chastised criticism of the practice as "faux liberal outrage."[16]

During the circulate, Ingraham interview Attorney Full general Jeff Sessions, who responded to criticism of the dentention centers, which take been compared to Nazi concentration camps. He said, "Nazi Deutschland, concentration camps, homo-rights violations. What's going on here? Well, it's a real exaggeration, of course. In Nazi Deutschland, they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country. But this is a serious matter."[17]

That day, Twitter[18] user @briantashman tweeted the video (shown beneath).

Kid Detention Centers

Following reports that the do of separating parents from children began receiving national attending, focus shifted, in part, to where the children were being held. One viral photo of a young boy in a muzzle rapidly became a popular rallying point for immigration advocates. Twitter[ten] user @joseiswriting tweeted the photography with the caption, "This is what happens when a government believes people are 'illegal.' Kids in cages." The postal service (shown below) received more 24,000 retweets and 35,000 likes in one calendar week.

This is what happens when a government believes people are illegal." Kids in cages. Mexico–United States border product

Still, co-ordinate to Snopes, [11] the photo was taken at an immigration rally equally role of a staged protestation. They wrote:

"The photograph was taken on 10 June 2018, simply information technology did non evidence a child bars by clearing regime to a cage. Rather, it was snapped during a protestation staged in front end of Dallas Urban center Hall to call attention to the Trump administration's practice of separating families and circumscribed undocumented children. Different photographs of the event document that the same child was standing a mocked-upwardly 'cage' open up at the top, and several commenters noted that the boy was crying non because he was confined, but considering he saw his female parent outside the pen and could not immediately figure out how to get to her."

On June 14th, NPR[9] published photographs of minors in detention centers were released by the Department of Health and Human Services, included photographs of boys wearing barcode bracelets existence scanned during meals and a mural of President Trump with the explanation, "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new mode to win the war." The photographs were taken at Casa Padre, which is a sometime Walmart supercenter that at the time held nearly 1,500 immigrant boys.


On June 18th, 2018, the website Heavy[14] stated that some of the photographs being shared on social media were actual from 2014, when the Obama assistants's immigration policy was enforced.

That day, CBS News Correspondent David Begnaud posted a video of the detention middle provided past the U.Due south. authorities. He wrote, "BREAKING: Border Patrol @CBP just gave u.s.a. this video of the detention facility nosotros toured yesterday in McAllen, Texas. We weren't immune to bring in cameras, or interview anyone. To be clear: this is authorities handout video." Within hours, the post (shown below) received more than than 1,900 retweets and 2,700 likes.

Audio of Children in Detention Centers

On June 18th, the independent, nonprofit news organization ProPublica[19] released sound of 10 Central America children at one of the the detention centers who had been separated from their parents by immigration authorities. In the clip, children tin exist heard crying and saying "mami" and "papá." A edge patrol amanuensis tin can likewise be heard proverb, "Well, nosotros have an orchestra here. What'southward missing is a conductor." Within 24 hours, the clip (shown below) has been viewed more than than 1.8 meg times.

In the article near the clip, ProPublica explains how they came to obtain the audio. They wrote:

"The audio obtained by ProPublica breaks that silence. It was recorded last week inside a U.Southward. Community and Border Protection detention facility. The person who made the recording asked not to be identified for fright of retaliation. That person gave the audio to Jennifer Harbury, a well-known civil rights chaser who has lived and worked for 4 decades in the Rio Grande Valley forth the Texas border with Mexico. Harbury provided it to ProPublica. She said the person who recorded it was a customer who 'heard the children's weeping and crying, and was devastated by it.'

"The person estimated that the children on the recording are betwixt iv and ten years erstwhile. It appeared that they had been at the detention center for less than 24 hours, so their distress at having been separated from their parents was all the same raw. Consulate officials tried to comfort them with snacks and toys. But the children were inconsolable."

That day, Splinter News writer Jorge Rivas tweeted[xx] a video of reporters listening to the sound. He wrote, "Reporters are listening to audio of kids crying in edge patrol facility, moments ahead of press briefing @ProPublica." Within 24 hours, the tweet (shown beneath) received more than iii,200 retweets and 5,200 likes.

That twenty-four hour period, actor Ron Perlman tweeted,[21] "Been listening to the sound from the detention camps of little kids pleading, begging, panicked…I can't finish crying." The mail (shown below, left) received more than 5,700 retweets and 21,000 likes in 24 hours. Twitter[22] user @OMalley_HG tweeted, "'I know she's not an American citizen,' the aunt said of her niece. 'Simply she'southward a human existence. She's a kid. How tin can they treat her this mode?' I truly accept no words."

Twitter[23] user @MrFilmkritik tweeted, "I love the reporter who decided to play the sound of crying children at yesterday's Nielsen press conference. I promise they continue doing this during every press-facing event. Never let these fuckers alive it down." The post (shown below, right) received more 90 retweets and 390 likes in 24 hours.

Ron Perlman @perlmutations Been listening to the audio from the detention camps of little kids pleading, begging, panicked...l can't stop crying. text blue font product line Replying to @ericuman @gingerthomp1 "I know she's not an American citizen," the aunt said of her niece. "But she's a human being. She's a child. How can they treat her this way?" I truly have no words. text font line I love the reporter who decided to play the audio of crying children at yesterday's Nielsen press conference. I hope they keep doing this during every press-facing event. Never let these fuckers live it down. text font black and white line handwriting

Executive Order

On June 20th, President Trump said that he would be signing an executive order which would ban the practice of separating families at the border. According to the New York Times,[35] "Mr. Trump'due south executive order would seek to become effectually an existing 1997 consent decree, known as the Flores settlement, that prohibits the federal government from keeping children in clearing detention -- even if they are with their parents -- for more than 20 days."

In response to President Trump's announcement, American Civil Liberties Union[36] Executive Managing director Anthony D. Romero released a statement:

"President Trump has been brought to his knees because of the lawsuit nosotros filed on Feb 26 and the ensuing public outcry. Kids should not take been separated from their parents in the beginning place and they still don't belong in jail. His alleged solution to a crisis of his own making is many months too late. It is a crisis that should non take happened to begin with. He has caused irreparable damage to thousands of immigrant families.

"The devil is in the details. This crisis will non abate until each and every single child is reunited with his or her parent. An eleventh-60 minutes executive club doesn't set the calamitous harm done to thousands of children and their parents. This executive order would replace one crunch for another. Children don't belong in jail at all, fifty-fifty with their parents, nether any set of circumstances. If the president thinks placing families in jail indefinitely is what people accept been asking for, he is grossly mistaken."

That twenty-four hours, Trump signed the executive order that aimed to end the use of family unit separation in lieu of detaining parents and children together for an indefinite period of fourth dimension. Yet, the executive order may face up legal scrutiny as a 1997 courtroom ruling may not permit the Trump assistants to hold families for more twenty days. Additionally, the executive lodge does not address how the Trump assistants will handle the more two,300 children who accept already been separated from their parents.[39]

The executive club was criticized by many. One-time Managing director of U.Southward. Office of Government Ethics Walter Schaub tweeted,[40] "BOTTOM LINE: ane. THE CHILDREN Take NOT BEEN RETURNED ii. THE SEPARATIONS HAVE Non STOPPED YET 3. LOOPHOLES IN THE EXECUTIVE ORDER CREATE Wiggle ROOM TO DO IT AGAIN iv. THE LIES ('no policy, period' 'only Congress can stop this') HAVE BEEN EXPOSED Then THEY Become NO BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT." The mail (shown below) received more than than 20,000 retweets and 44,000 likes in 24 hours.


Online Reaction

Online, some compared the practice to Nazi concentration camps, which were used during World War Ii. Twitter[10] user @randygdub tweeted, "welcome to your child concentration camp. savour this stupid success win quote that makes no fucking sense." The post (shown below) received more than 1,500 retweets and 6,700 likes in four days.

welcome to your child concentration camp. enjoy this stupid success win quote that makes no fucking sense A VECES AL PERDER UN BATALLA ENCUENTRAS NUEVA MANERA DE GAN LA GUERRA SOMETIMES BY LOSING A BATTLE YOU FIND A NEW WAY TO WIN THE WAR 8898 Donald Trump text

Many online opposed the practice, criticizing it for beingness cruel and inhumane, using such hashtags as #KeepingFamiliesTogetherAct and #ImmigrantChildren. Actor Alyssa Milano tweeted[12] at Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, criticizing him for not signing a policy that would make this do illegal. She tweeted, "You are the simply senator in the Democratic Party that has not signed on to the #KeepingFamiliesTogetherAct, @Sen_JoeManchin. The Merely One." The post (shown below, left) received more than thirteen,00 retweets and 30,000 likes in 24 hours.

New York representative Carolyn B. Maloney tweeted,[13] "We are at the ICE Detention Center in Elizabeth, NJ. where Ice is denying usa entry to encounter with fathers separated from their families. They're at present covering the windows with paper and so we tin't see in. This is not America. #FamiliesBelongTogther #FathersDay." The post (shown beneath, middle) received more than than 7,800 retweets and 11,000 likes in 24 hours.

Sometime President Bill Clinton tweeted,[15] "On this Father'due south Mean solar day I'm thinking of the thousands of children separated from their parents at the edge. These children should not exist a negotiating tool. And reuniting them with their families would reaffirm America's belief in & support for all parents who love their children." The post (shown below, correct) received more than 38,000 retweets and 146,000 likes in 24 hours.

Alyssa Milano @Alyssa Milano You are the only senator in the Democratic Party that has not signed on to the # Keeping FamiliesTogetherAct, @Sen JoeManchin. The Only One. text font line Carolyn B. Maloney @RepMaloney We are at the ICE Detention Center in Elizabeth, NJ. where ICE is denying us entry to meet with fathers separated from their families. They're now covering the windows with paper so we can't see in. This is not America. #FamiliesBelongTogther #FathersDay2 presentation Bill Clinton @BillClinton On this Father's Day I'm thinking of the thousands of children separated from their parents at the border. These children should not be a negotiating tool. And reuniting them with their families would reaffirm America's belief in & support for all parents who love their children. text font line

Corey Lewandowski'southward "Womp Womp" Comment

On June 19th, 2018, former Trump campaign official Corey Lewandowski appeared on Play a joke on News to talk over the controversy. While existence told nearly a 10-yr-onetime girl with Downs Syndrome who was separated from her parents, Lewandowski interupped to say, "womp womp," mimicking the sound of a trombone, which signifies sarcastic compassion.

That day, Twitter user @jiveDurkey published a video of the changes with the comment: "you sitting downward? here's Corey Lewandowski mockingly saying "womp womp" to the story of a 10-yr-old girl with Downward Syndrome who was separated from her female parent at the border." The post (shown beneath) received more than xxx,000 retweets and 47,000 likes in 24 hours.

Before long after, people online chastised Lewandowski for his comments. Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, tweeted,[24] "This is so horrible, even by Lewandowski standards." The mail service (shown below, left) recevied more 5,300 retweets and 23,000 likes in 24 hours.

Quondam Fox News host and NBC News anchor Megyn Kelly tweeted,[25] "There is no depression to which this coward Corey Lewandowski won't sink. This homo should not be afforded a national platform to spew his detest." The mail (shown below, centre) received more than than 10,000 retweets and 40,000 likes in 24 hours.

Daily Beast author Sam Stein tweeted[26] an image of President Trump mocking a reporter with disability and the annotate, "How could Corey Lewandowski possibly recollect he could get away with such a crass, disgusting mockery of someone with disabilities????" The post (shown below, right) received more than 10,000 retweets and thirty,000 likes in 24 hours.

That evening, Twitter[27] published a Moments page regarding the reaction to the comment.

Lewandowski refused to apologize for the comment.[28] He said:

"An apology? I owe an amends to the children whose parents are putting them in a position that is forcing them to be separated. We owe an apology to Jamiel Shaw and Brian Terry and Kate Steinle's family who have allowed those individuals to be killed by illegal aliens. The American people owe an apology to those people. When you cross the border illegally, you have committed a crime and in that location is accountability for committing crimes and there should be."

That evening, Twitter[31] user @ASanki tweeted a document that tied Lewandowski to a political activity committee that works with a visitor that owns individual immigration detention facilities. They wrote, "Corey Lewandowski, who said 'womp womp' on national TV today regarding a 10-twelvemonth onetime immigrant girl with Down Syndrome being taken from her mother, works for a PAC that gets donations from a company that owns individual clearing detention facilities." The post (shown below) received more than 15,000 retweets and 15,000 likes in 24 hours.

Aaron Sankin @ASankin Corey Lewandowski, who said "womp womp" on national TV today regarding a 10-year old immigrant girl with Down Syndrome being taken from her mother, works for a PAC that gets donations from a company that owns private immigration detention facilities SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 8 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11a 11bX11c 12 13 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) Great America Committee Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name Mailing Address 621 NW 53RD ST City A. THE GEO GROUP, INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE Date of Receipt 04 19 2018 State FL Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11C.1186 BOCA RATON 33487-8235 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing CC00382150 5000.00 federal political committee Name of Employer (for Individual) Receipt For: Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item CONTRIBUTION Aggregate Year-to-Date ▼ Other (specify) ▼ 5000.00 text font

Rachel Maddow Breakup

On June 19th, MSNBC host began crying during her evening circulate while reporting that infants had been forcibly removed from their parents. Intercept journalist Shaun King shared video of the moment with the annotate, "This is Rachel Maddow upon getting the breaking news that Trump has established detention centers for babies who've been forcefully taken from their parents." The mail service (shown below) received more than 15,000 retweets and 28,000 likes in 24 hours.

Rachel Maddow later on apologized for the breakdown, claiming that it was unprofessional. She said in a Twitter[32] thread, "Ugh, I'yard sorry. If nothing else, it is my task to actually be able to speak while I'k on TV. What I was trying to practice -- when I suddenly couldn't say/do annihilation -- was read this lede:" The post (shown below, left) received more than than 29,000 retweets and 108,000 likes in 24 hours.

Twitter[33] user CapehartJ tweeted, "maddow In a nation that is losing its eye, never apologize for showing yours. Your emotion is the nation'southward. You were not and are not alone." The post (shown below, middle) received more than 2,300 retweets and 11,000 likes in 24 hours.

Twitter[34] user @tonyposnanski compared the moment to Lewandowski's "womp womp" comments. He tweeted, "A tale of two parties…Rachel Maddow breaks downwards while reporting about children beingness taken from their parents…Corey Lewandowski mocks a girl with Down Syndrome beingness taken from her parents…You lot decide which side of history you want to exist on. I accept." The mail service (shown beneath, right) received more 47,000 retweets and 133,000 likes in 24 hours.


On June 16th, 2018, Facebook users Charlotte and Dave Willner launched a Facebook fundraiser for RAICES. Within four days, the campaign raised more than $12.five million of its $15 million goal. Additionally, more than 320,000 Facebook users donated.[37] Facebook has said that it's the single largest fundraiser in Facebook's history.[38]

The Willners wrote of the campaign:

"We are raising money for RAICES (, the largest immigration legal services provider in Texas. For years, RAICES has been working with some of the most vulnerable members of our order to ensure they receive advancement and fair legal representation. They accept ii key goals at this fourth dimension: direct fund bond to allow parents to reclaim their detained children, and ensure legal representation for every separated family and every unaccompanied child in Texas' immigration courts (last year, 76% of kids (over thirteen,000!) did not take representation)

"You may take heard the news that the president will sign an executive order today to reunite families. Nosotros are hopeful that the president volition terminate family separation, but that doesn't mean our work is over or that our focus can become elsewhere. A change in policy doesn't automatically bring babies back to their mothers or erase the trauma from these innocent kids. RAICES' work becomes more of import than ever."

Stephen Miller Doxxing

On June 20th, 2018, Splinter News[41] published White House adviser Stephen Miller'southward phone number on their website. The cellphone number has since been deactivated.

Following the release of the telephone number, the Twitter account for the controversial social media website Gab, which has been called "a social media app dubbed 'a oasis for white nationalists'" by Media Matters, tweeted,[42] "And then 'journalists' want to continue playing the 'let's dox people' game. I accept a feeling they will be regretting this move." The postal service (shown beneath, left) received more than twenty retweets and 70 likes in 24 hours.

Following the reporting, Splinter and various members of the Splinter News staff were temporarily banned from Twitter (examples beneath).[43]

Gab: The Free Speech Social N FREE SPEECH @getongab So "journalists" want to continue playing the "let's dox people" game. I have a feeling they will be regretting this move. text font line Hi libby watson, Your account, @libbycwatson has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically for: Violating our rules against posting private information. You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission. libby watson @libbycwatson do you need stephen miller's cellphone number? splinter has published it, so have a blast with that [..] Please proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account. Go to Twitter text font line We've temporarily limited some of your account features Splinter Gsplinter now What happened? We have determined that this account violated the Twiter ules Specificaly, for 1. Violating our rules against posting private information You may not pubish or post other poople's private information without their express authorization and permission Spinter spinter news Hi everyone, this is Stephen Mille's cell phone number 202-881-8641 Give him a buzz!!! 2:13 PM-20 Jun 2018 As a reault, we've tomporarily lIimited some of your acoount featurea While in this state, you can stil browse Tw mer, but you're limised to only sending Direct Messages to your foliowers functionality inc 12 hours and 0 minutes You can start your countdown and continue to Twitter once you Delete Tweets that viclate our rules If you think we've made a mistake, contact our support beam Start text font

In a argument to Endgadget,[44] a Twitter spokesperson said of the incident:

It's against our policies to share other people'south private information on Twitter, including directly linking to that data. Today, we temporarily blocked accounts that shared this data until they deleted the Tweet that violated our rules. At this fourth dimension, the number that was previously being shared is no longer a valid number and, as such, we are no longer enforcing our policy against individuals Tweeting or linking to that information.
Time Comprehend

On June 21st, Fourth dimension Mag tweeted[45] their encompass for that week's magazine, which depicts President Trump looking down at a crying migrant child. The organization posted the image on Twitter (shown below) with the caption, "TIME's new embrace: A reckoning later Trump's border separation policy: What kind of land are we?" The post (shown below) received more than 33,000 retweets and 44,000 likes in 24 hours.

JULY 2, 2018 TIME Welcome to America. Donald Trump text poster advertising album cover

Melania Trump "I Really Don't Care, Practice U?" Jacket

On June 21st, The Daily Mail[48] reported the in a surprise visit to the boarder in Texas, First Lady Melania Trump wore a $39 Zara jacket that reads, "I really don't care, do u?" That twenty-four hour period, Twitter[49] user @timkmak tweeted, "Daily Mail service reports that Melania Trump boarded her plane to Texas wearing a jacket that said on the back, 'I really don't care, do u?'" The post (shown below) received more than 3,700 retweets and 4,300 likes in 24 hours.

Daily Mail reports that Melania Trump boarded her plane to Texas wearing a jacket that said on the back, "| really don't care, do u?" REALLY DONT +24 +24 Who is the message for? The First Lady wore a $39 Zara military jacket for the start of the trip with the message 'I really dont care, do u?" in huge print on the back - as seen (right) being sold online by Zara outerwear

The jacket was rapidly criticized as being a reflection of the First Lady's feelings on the controversy. A spokeswoman for the offset lady responded by proverb, "It's a jacket. There was no hidden message. Later on today's of import visit to Texas, I promise this isn't what the media is going to cull to focus on."[fifty]

Twitter[51] @TheLincoln tweeted, "I agree that in that location is no 'hidden message' when the message is PAINTED IN Behemothic LETTERS ON THE Dorsum FOR EVERYONE TO READ." The post (shown beneath, left) received more 400 retweets and 1,200 likes in 24 hours.

Thought out the twenty-four hours, people continue to make comments and jokes well-nigh the jacket (examples beneath, center and right).

agree that there is no "hidden message when the message is PAINTED IN GIANT LETTERS ON THE BACK FOR EVERYONE TO READ Meridith McGraw Φ @mer.dithmcgraw NEW: @FLOTUS spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham when asked what message the first lady's jacket intends to send: "It's a jacket. There was no hidden message. After today's important visit to Texas, I hope this isn't what the media is going to choose to focus on." Show this thread text font line if melania had worn that jacket on almost any other day, the photo would have like 80,000 manual retweets of people just saying "same" text font handwriting line black and white number {height:100px}!


Homeland Security Chief Mexican Restaraunt Protestation

On June 19th, a group of activists from the Democratic Socialist of America (D.South.A.) entered the Washinton, D.C. Mexican restaurant MXDC Cocina Mexicana to face up Homaland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who was dining at the time.[29] The Metro D.C. affiliate of the D.S.A. published a alive video of the confrontation on Facebook. The post (shown below) received more than 2,700 reactions, one,200 shares and ane 1000000 views in less than 24 hours.

Later that evening, the grouping posted a statement on the protest.[30] Margaret McLaughlin, a member of the Metro DC Autonomous Socialists of America Steering Commission, said, "Nosotros will not stand past and allow Secretarial assistant Nielsen dine in peace, while she is directing her employees to tear piffling girls away from their mothers and crying boys away from their fathers at our border." The post (shown below) received more than 1,100 reactions and 200 shares.

Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America 16 hrs STATEMENT ON TONIGHT'S PROTEST "We will not stand by and let Secretary Nielsen dine in peace, while she is directing her employees to tear little girls away from their mothers and crying boys away from their fathers at our border," said Margaret McLaughlin, a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America Steering Committee. "Secretary Nielsen and everyone else who has carried out these brutal and cold-blooded orders to rip apart families should never be allowed to eat and drink in public again. These barbarous acts must end and those at the helm must be held accountable. While Secretary Nielsen's dinner may have been ruined, it is nothing compared to the horrors she has inflicted on innocent families.' *For further inquiries please contact* text line font

Airport Welcoming

On June 20th, hundreds of activists and protestors went to LaGuardia Airport in New York City, to evidence back up for migrant children who were separated from their parents and rumored to be flown there.[47] While no migrant children arrived, "activists pledge to return to LGA as long as migrant children separated from their families are brought to New York."[46]

"This is what solidarity looks like." Right now at LaGuardia. Our tax dollars have funded the terrorization of families seeking refuge Let's keep showing up people #FamilesBelongTogether inc. It's now 1:53am here in NYC and the crowd at LaGuardia is standing strong to say #FamiliesBelongTogether Parking Welcome Cen illkommen welc 迎 SEL enve ie NO EsTAN ABOLSH LCE

Philip A. Hart Senate Office Building Protest

On June 28th, the Women'due south March, Center for Popular Democracy and other advancement groups staged a sit-in at the Philip A. Hart Senate office to protestation the Trump administration'due south cipher-tolerance policy.[52] More than 500 protestors were arrested and roughly 575 people were charged with unlawfully demonstrating, receiving a $fifty fine.

Hart Senate Office Building crowd urban area

At to the lowest degree ane of those arrested was a U.S. congressperson, Representative Pramila Jayapal. Following her arrest, she tweeted[53] a video with the caption, "I was just arrested with 500+ women and @WomensMarch to say @RealDonaldTrump'due south cruel zero-tolerance policy will not go on. Not in our country. Not in our proper name. June 30 we're putting ourselves in the street once more." The post (shown below) received more than 8,400 retweets and 21,000 likes in four days.

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) June 28, 2018

Families Belong Together Protest

On June 30th, 2018, hundreds of thousands of people in the United States joined mass pretests of the Trump administrations policies. Protests were held in all 50 states and more than than 700 events were organized in cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington D.C.

That solar day, Twitter[54] business relationship @MillenPolitics tweeted, "This is what democracy looks similar. Over 700 protests all over the country demanding an end to Trump's cipher-tolerance immigration policy. We were proud to partner with @MoveOn & dozens of other organizations to help coordinate this day of action." The postal service (shown below, left) received more than 450 retweets and 760 likes in 2 days.

Twitter[55] user @romyreiner tweeted a photograph of one of the protests, writing, "Trump's puny crowd would be swallowed by the crowds that showed upwardly yesterday. #FamiliesBelongTogether." Within 24 hours, the post (shown below, center) received more than than 120 retweets and 600 likes.

Others online shared pictures of protestation signs. Twitter[56] user @JaclynCorin tweeted a picture of a man holding a sign that reads, "Stop gun violence not immigrants fleeing violence." The post (shown below, right) received more than than 1,000 retweets and 4,700 likes in 24 hours.

This is what democracy looks like Over 700 protests all over the country demanding an end to Trump's zero-tolerance immigration policy. We were proud to partner with @MoveOn & dozens of other organizations to help coordinate this day of action. #FamiliesBelongTogether ND NV Gulf of Mexico Mexico text organism font Trump's puny crowd would be swallowed by the crowds that showed up yesterday #FamiliesBelongTogether LIRI Chicago Simple as that. #EndGunViolence #FamiliesBelong I ogether STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOT IMMIGRANTS FLEEING VIOLENCE

During the protestation in Los Angeles, California, Representative Maxine Waters, who received several death threats that week, delivered a speech that was widely shared online. She said in her speech, "We take some members of Congress who are intimidated. I take no fear. I'm in this fight…If y'all shoot me, yous better shoot directly. There's zippo similar a wounded animal…They dare me to say impeach him. Today I say Impeach 45." CNN's Keith Boykin tweeted[57] a video of the speech (shown beneath), which received more than half-dozen,500 retweets and 19,000 likes in 24 hours.

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