Metaphors in the Art of Racing in the Rain

Milo Ventimiglia and the dog who plays Enzo in The Art of Racing in the Rain

The Art of Racing in the Rain is a drama that stars Milo Ventimiglia and Amanda Seyfried, with a voice-over past Kevin Costner as a dog named Enzo. The film, based on Garth Stein's best-selling novel of the same name, was produced by Patrick Dempsey and explored the connection between life and racing. Information technology also tackles major topics of death and reincarnation. The Art of Racing in the Rain ending left viewers with a sense of hope and an emotional release.

*Spoilers ahead! *

The Fine art of Racing in the Rain takes the audience through a family saga told from the viewpoint of Enzo the canis familiaris. Through Enzo, we witness birth, decease, triumph, despair, and inspiration. The moving picture is 1 of those films that you go into knowing that you'll probably weep at some betoken because information technology's all about the highs and lows of being a human, or fifty-fifty a dog. However, the best thing nigh The Art of Racing in the Rain is its rest. For every sad moment, there are two happier ones. This all ties in with the movie's overall flick. Let's explore that catastrophe and the motion-picture show's overall themes.

Giacomo Finn in The Art of Racing in the Rain

What Happened At The End Of The Art Of Racing In The Rain?

Enzo grows older as The Art of Racing in the Rain continues. He gets hitting by a car, and that signals the beginning of the end for him. Every bit Enzo edges closer to his death, Denny (Milo Ventimiglia) decides to give him one concluding treat. He takes him on a couple of laps through a racing track in a vintage Ferrari. While on the tracks, Enzo thinks virtually his life with Denny and his family unit. Denny ends their journey by telling Enzo how he's been a great friend to him.

Flash frontward many years after and Denny has become a famous racing driver in Italy for the Ferrari company. His daughter Zoe (younger version played past Ryan Kiera Armstrong, the older version played by Lily Dodsworth-Evans) is now a teen, or in her early 20s. She drives a man (Paolo Gasparini) and his son (Giacomo Finn) to come across Denny. The son is a huge fan of Denny and wants to grow up to get a race car driver just similar him.

The boy and Denny bond, though the boy is too starstruck to really speak. The male child tells Denny that his proper noun is Enzo, and Denny adds that he reminds him of an old friend. Denny and Zoe walk off, and the man Enzo keeps looking dorsum in awe.

The Fine art of Racing in the Rain heavily implies that the little boy Enzo is the domestic dog Enzo reincarnated. He got his wish of condign a man.

Amanda Seyfried and Enzo the dog actor in The Art of Racing in the Rain

Dogs And Reincarnation

The Art of Racing in the Rain starts with Enzo discussing this documentary that he saw about Mongolian people believing that dogs come dorsum in their next lives every bit men, but simply if they're ready for information technology. Enzo then spends most of the moving picture trying to prepare for that transition. He even states that he wants to banner as much cognition almost the human being condition on himself now, then he'll be ready for his next life. Information technology's partly why he watches Denny and his life so closely.

The Fine art of Racing in the Pelting writer Garth Stein has mentioned in several interviews how he used to piece of work in documentary picture, and learning most the Mongolian belief of dogs becoming men in their adjacent life helped inspire the idea for Enzo's story. He goes more into detail near the Mongolian belief inspiring Enzo's story in an interview with Libro and on the FAQs page on his website.

It's also unsaid that Enzo'south plan to imprint his knowledge for the next life worked because that'due south how the little boy Enzo became such a huge fan of Denny and wants to become a race car commuter, a dream that dog Enzo had his whole life.

The dog actor who plays Enzo in The Art of Racing in the Rain

The World Through A Domestic dog'south Optics

Ane of the things that make The Art of Racing in the Pelting fascinating is that the whole story is told from Enzo'southward perspective. This works so well because dogs are able to observe life in a style that humans cannot. Dogs take access to conversations that are private because humans don't believe dogs completely understand them. They also have natural instincts and live life by following simple rules. They don't complicate things by trying to interpret body language or denying themselves pleasance or pain.

However, dogs are also limited in that they're not allowed to go into sure places. We see this several times in the motion picture, like when Enzo isn't permitted at the hospital, at the funeral, and in the courtroom. Dogs also tin't speak, so they can be misunderstood and sometimes experience helpless, equally shown when Enzo can't warn the family about Eve (Amanda Seyfried)'s illness.

The Art of Racing in the Pelting taking the point-of-view of Enzo allows the audience to explore and larn about human beliefs forth with the dog. It allows the viewers to have a more than simplistic approach, to just find and lookout, without the complications that come up with human observation--like overanalyzing.

Milo Ventimiglia and the dog Enzo in the Art of Racing in the Rain

The Dynamic Of Denny And Enzo

In an interview with Colorado and Company, Garth Stein mentioned how Denny and Enzo are opposites in their arroyo to life. Enzo is impulsive and vindictive, and Denny is forgiving and has patience. They learn and abound from each other. Stein had this to say about the contrary nature of the human being and the dog:

If you look on the book on a more literary level, I would say Denny the graphic symbol and Enzo the dog are sort of change egos of each other. Together they brand a perfect grapheme.

He went on to add "in a way they couldn't exist without each other." This is an interesting way to look at these 2 characters because it shows how they need each other to abound and learn. Many pet owners can agree that their animals are important to their personal development. Their animals help them evolve considering they're forced to learn things from them, similar temper control and unconditional dearest.

Amanda Seyfried and Milo Ventimiglia in The Art of Racing in the Rain

What Rain And Racing Symbolize In The Film

Both Garth Stein and manager Simon Curtis have spoken nigh racing in The Art of Racing in the Pelting existence a metaphor for life. Curtis even direct states this in an interview with HotCorn. In the movie, in a scene between Eve and Denny, she asks him why he drives and then fast when it rains, compared to other race drivers. He explains that information technology's considering rain is an unpredictable chemical element and many of the other racers are afraid of it, merely he chooses to take command of his car by fully embracing it and decision-making how he handles the rain. He besides offers this quote:

That which we manifest is before us.

Basically, racing represents life and how we approach it, and rain represents those obstacles that get thrown into the mix to brand our ride a piddling more than complicated. The Fine art of Racing in the Pelting lets viewers know that they can manifest their own destiny. The picture even states to not focus on the future or dwell on the by, but to live in the present and take agree of your life, even when things feel across your control.

Amanda Seyfried in The Art of Racing in the Rain

How The Flick Approaches Decease

The Art of Racing in the Rain takes a very optimistic approach to decease. It doesn't see it equally the stop, just one part of the life wheel. Information technology shows this through Enzo'southward belief in reincarnation and coming back as boy Enzo. It's also mentioned that when Eve dies, her spirit leaves her body, and Enzo also states that she showed him that expiry isn't the finish.

The flick seems to be stating that you should cherish your life and family unit, but non to fear death considering it's merely the next phase.

The Fine art of Racing in the Pelting is a slap-up canis familiaris film that'due south an emotional ride, just worth the journeying. The motion picture is available to stream on HBO Max. Stream it here .

Jerrica Tisdale

Spent about of my life in diverse parts of Illinois, including attending college in Evanston. I have been a life long lover of pop civilisation, peculiarly television receiver, turned that passion into writing about all things amusement related. When I'm non writing about popular culture, I can be constitute channeling Gordon Ramsay by kicking people out the kitchen.


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